59/365 – December 21 2013 – A Bird Morning

With my eyes barely open, I saw the birds busy outside the kitchen window this morning.


I’m not sure but I think these are Morgansers.  They dive for food and seem to like it right in front of the dock.



There were a half dozen of these guys flying around.  Noisy, but pretty.



The chickadees are always out there but today had to wait until the Bluejays flew off.



I had to look up his name as all I knew him as was a woodpecker.  He is an adult male Hairy Woodpecker and we have them year round.



And of course in midst of it all, the local pileated showed up.  I couldn’t get a great shot of him so I am adding a shot from a month ago.



Always entertaining to watch him on the feeder.



This is a Northern Cardinal and a big, wonderful surprise.  It’s been a long time since I’ve seen one.  I looked it up and they do not migrate.  Also states that a male will fiercely protect it’s territory and will fight itself if it sees it’s own reflection.  Well, that was my morning!!